Friday, September 25, 2009

touching story

This a Greek short film made in 2007 Father and son are sitting on a bench. Suddenly a sparrow lands across them.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

stepping up as pub cell ic

i am gonna step up as pub cell ic for smb this coming year... some asked why ? since this may be my last year in hall. but i love challenge. i so gonna take up this challenege. i don't believe that i can't deliver a successful publicity campaign for the IHG with resources that i have along with such a wonderful co-ic, cass.

some idiots question my credibilty for stepping up, claming that i m not up to it and wasting spaces etc...

they are idiots and can't really think i guess. let me clear their doubts n enlighten them..

firstly, they claim that i have never done publicity b4 so i shouldn't be a i/c.

what nonsense is thaT? that doesn't work in hall. previously, i have never done marketing b4 and i step up as rag marketing i/c. the results are there and there shouldn't be any doubts. there are quite a few leaders around in the hall who have no prior experience in that particular area b4 they took up their leadership posts... they done well. they are far too many examples around. i think this is a bad claim.

2nd, they claim that i m wasting a space for freshies in my blk to enter SMB.

so now you are playing with seniority ? so a senior can't enter a new after his freshie yeaR? i am not the only one around doing so k?moreover, if a senior can contribute more to the comm than a freshie, why not take him? bias n bullshit. thinking use the ass again.

enough is said. i shall not let the one who approached me for the post down.

Friday, September 4, 2009

random quotes

“You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not”

jodi picoult