Sunday, July 26, 2009

i come close to H1N1

it must be on that day which MOH minster announced that 53 percent of flu cases are h1n1 cases that i got a flu.

i was quite scare initially. 53 percent... it is just flipping a coin. head u win, tail u lose situation. well, so as a responsible citizen, i quickly took a half day and head home to rest. i was feeling alittle feverish that night while i was resting.. ( i always feel feverish when i got a flu, i used to think that it was part of flu bug.) so i thought perhaps i m that unlucky..

but luckily panadol cold pills are my super heros at the end of the day. 2 pills and a good night sleep and i am fighting fit once again. but that means i have to go back work again.. sigh

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

damn those reckless cyclists~!

when i started driving, i hate motorcyclists the most as i always have to look out for and give way to motor bikes. but now, i have a new enemy on the road. they are the cyclists...

nowadays, i can see that the number of cyclists on the road has increased and do my hatred for them. i have nothing against those properly geared and respect the traffic rules. i hate those will think that they are the biggest thing on the road.

these most fragile transport pays no respect to other vehicles.

speeding across zebra crossing, traffic lights, refusal to give ways to other vehicles, taking one whole lane, slow speed, no helmets..

one whole list of endless dangers they bring to the road users...

and because they are the most fragile on the road, drivers like me have to pay attention to their reckless acts to prevent ourselves for hurting them.. or damaging our cars!

the authorites should really impose heavy punishments on these rules breakers... it would be a matter of time a serious accident involving bicycles happen.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

counting down to its death

there used to be a patch of small little forest in front of my house, but recently it gave way to some new construction of hosuing blocks. the constructor firm brought down all the trees except one within days.

that sole tall tree stood in the middle of the bald land. if u are smart enough, you would have guessed that it was a durian tree. it is the durian season now and it was bearing quite a lot of durians. all of us would realize that probably the contractor was keeping it to reap the fruits. deep down inside me, i was praying that this tree would be preserved and left untouched. how many durians are left in SG?

so it stood there for weeks... one morning on the way to the bus stop, i realized the tree was gone. the land was really bald and being occupied by heavy machines. so the emotional side of me took over for a while, imagine u r the tree.. and you are counting down to your death.. you know once your amazing moment is over ( which will be bearing fruits), your life will be over. people would reap from your hard work and probably no one will remember you in the future.

this could be just be any of our lives.. we live for the moment and we could be gone for the next.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


let's not look at what is gone. let's look at what's left..

be optimistic...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

get ur address right!

i am surprised by the number of people who can't get their address right.

should which one should come first ? the block ? or the unit number? or the name of the condo?

well, i believe this shld be the correct order.

the block, street name, unit number and follow by name of apartment. lastly it shld be the postal code.

i am amused by some examples of how some people wrote their address..

one classic example:

blk 161- 02#223

so does that person lives on 223rd level? i believe he meant #02-223.

i am amused daily by the mistakes people made in writing address. trust me.. some of them live in landed properties and condos and they can't get it right as well.