Wednesday, December 30, 2009
a blank mind
Monday, December 28, 2009
surprising good boxing day
Saturday, December 26, 2009
xmas week
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
no more exams!

exams are finally done. perhaps i m done again.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
my fault
Monday, November 30, 2009
keeping focus
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
first paper

i had my first paper today. totally drained out by the paper. i still believe that this was the hardest of the 3 NM papers i had this sem. i hope for a perfect paper in which i know every single question. but that dream still evades me. i had around 10 questions left pondering. not sure whether will hit the target i set down for it eventually.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
peer review
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
when they are gone.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
martin kelly ?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
touching story
Saturday, September 5, 2009
stepping up as pub cell ic
i am gonna step up as pub cell ic for smb this coming year... some asked why ? since this may be my last year in hall. but i love challenge. i so gonna take up this challenege. i don't believe that i can't deliver a successful publicity campaign for the IHG with resources that i have along with such a wonderful co-ic, cass.
some idiots question my credibilty for stepping up, claming that i m not up to it and wasting spaces etc...
they are idiots and can't really think i guess. let me clear their doubts n enlighten them..
firstly, they claim that i have never done publicity b4 so i shouldn't be a i/c.
what nonsense is thaT? that doesn't work in hall. previously, i have never done marketing b4 and i step up as rag marketing i/c. the results are there and there shouldn't be any doubts. there are quite a few leaders around in the hall who have no prior experience in that particular area b4 they took up their leadership posts... they done well. they are far too many examples around. i think this is a bad claim.
2nd, they claim that i m wasting a space for freshies in my blk to enter SMB.
so now you are playing with seniority ? so a senior can't enter a new after his freshie yeaR? i am not the only one around doing so k?moreover, if a senior can contribute more to the comm than a freshie, why not take him? bias n bullshit. thinking use the ass again.
enough is said. i shall not let the one who approached me for the post down.
Friday, September 4, 2009
random quotes
“You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not” jodi picoult | |
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
i come close to H1N1
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
damn those reckless cyclists~!
nowadays, i can see that the number of cyclists on the road has increased and do my hatred for them. i have nothing against those properly geared and respect the traffic rules. i hate those will think that they are the biggest thing on the road.
these most fragile transport pays no respect to other vehicles.
speeding across zebra crossing, traffic lights, refusal to give ways to other vehicles, taking one whole lane, slow speed, no helmets..
one whole list of endless dangers they bring to the road users...
and because they are the most fragile on the road, drivers like me have to pay attention to their reckless acts to prevent ourselves for hurting them.. or damaging our cars!
the authorites should really impose heavy punishments on these rules breakers... it would be a matter of time a serious accident involving bicycles happen.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
counting down to its death
that sole tall tree stood in the middle of the bald land. if u are smart enough, you would have guessed that it was a durian tree. it is the durian season now and it was bearing quite a lot of durians. all of us would realize that probably the contractor was keeping it to reap the fruits. deep down inside me, i was praying that this tree would be preserved and left untouched. how many durians are left in SG?
so it stood there for weeks... one morning on the way to the bus stop, i realized the tree was gone. the land was really bald and being occupied by heavy machines. so the emotional side of me took over for a while, imagine u r the tree.. and you are counting down to your death.. you know once your amazing moment is over ( which will be bearing fruits), your life will be over. people would reap from your hard work and probably no one will remember you in the future.
this could be just be any of our lives.. we live for the moment and we could be gone for the next.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
get ur address right!
should which one should come first ? the block ? or the unit number? or the name of the condo?
well, i believe this shld be the correct order.
the block, street name, unit number and follow by name of apartment. lastly it shld be the postal code.
i am amused by some examples of how some people wrote their address..
one classic example:
blk 161- 02#223
so does that person lives on 223rd level? i believe he meant #02-223.
i am amused daily by the mistakes people made in writing address. trust me.. some of them live in landed properties and condos and they can't get it right as well.
Monday, June 29, 2009
my dead phone
Sunday, June 28, 2009
lovely sunday...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
work work..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
back from army.. heading str into work!
anyway, there was this particular joke that happened in camp last week. we were walking the medical centre and we saw this sign that read ' enterance'. all of us burst out laughing. the english that army use at times is real bad. we ain't asking for outstanding english but at least get the basics right. we walked past the centre daily and that sign for there all the time. i wonder whether any officers point out to the medical team about their bad english.
adding onto to the joke, the apperance of the medical centre look rather rundown. it gave me the feeling of those deserted places that we see in the zombies movies. come on guys, we are 3rd gen army! hahaha..
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
long day
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
bugis cinema
Thursday, May 28, 2009
penang trip

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Pre Penang Trip
i m back
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
spiderman in central lib
i wonder whether this spiderman is the same as the one who appeared in our night cycling ... hahah
as i m studying in cen lib tonight,i can't help it to hope that he will appear again. ..
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
nus money leech
so i thought i dont need to pay 16 bucks
but in the end i end up paying for the usage of temp hall card which costs me 10 bucks
no wonder ppl wanna climb window la.. freaking 10 bucks for 3.5 days of usage. i shldn't have applied for it la...
nUs money leech !!!!
i love my new wallet
gonna take good care of it..
i wanted to post a pic but realise it was just a plain brown wallet..
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
the thrill
the thrill of life lies in its unforeable twists and turns...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
falling in love with.. laska
i had the strong craving to eat laska recently. today ate the 3rd blow in 2 weeks. i used to hate it..
but dont know why there is such a strong craving recently.
i still prefer the katong laska..
NUS teaching staff are not helping students at all!
i approached my tutor with my solution n she did agree that it worth more than zero. however she couldn't do anything.
the lecturer can't do anything cos she marked the qn. she can't do anything cos the lecturer had the paper.
NUS econ staff are shit.. seriously...
for the first time, i got an ans right but they refused to give me any marks.
this is so disturbing
Sunday, March 29, 2009
international economics
i did well for half of the paper. probably that's explain why my marks are half only. for one of the question which stated the distribution of income..
i explain the way the textbook did so. exactly the same graph, exactly the same idea. and guess what i got?
well, the lecturer agreed that my idea was correct but somehow it was not the one that he is looking for. he agreed that zero is too harsh and since that question was not marked by him, he couldn't do much. he then tried to console by saying that a couple of marks won't matter.
screw him la.. if i m at the top, i will agree. but i m at the bottom now. na bei...
what's up with nus staff nowadays.. ? i am still sure that my ans is correct n deserve half of the marks. maybe it is time to look for my tutor.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
hall boy
thanks dude!
i finally got my curtain washed, vacuum my floor and wiped the ceiling fan. whoosh...
a saturday in hall isn't that bad after all.. provided it is not just for studying =)
seriously, this year DnD is not that successful. ( i m kind with my words) i m sure there are plenty of ppl out there agreeing with me.
from transport to food to the price of the tickets, nothing is right.
i am kinda convinced that the i/c of dnd can't cope with such a large scale event. last year, when she was in charge of another major event, she screwed up the transport as well. but credits to her, she got the event done after all and the prizes from lucky draw were good. ( which made me even more pissed! why can't give me the shuffle for my lucky draw then!)
anw i hope to get my pics soon from cher ..
Thursday, March 26, 2009
my new matric card
the bar code is so perfect.
not a single scratch at all.
it is at its best now...
and i wonder how long will that last...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
dying dried flower
Monday, March 23, 2009
my birthday gifts
time for items check..
- piggy lamp ( on loan @ chermaine)
- bear seat rest ( suppose to be on loan @ chermaine, but she passed to andee! biased!, if andee is gonna fart on it, most likely he will, i am not going to accept it anymore. i will hold u responsible.. chermaine!.. haha...)
- bear 'rubbish' bin ( yet to find a use for it)
- care bear ( quietly sitting on my shelf)
hmm.. i m missing an item..
o .. bear speaker ( on loan @ chermaine!)
item check done!
if items that are damaged on loan, u guys can pay me back another item of the same value. no similiar item will be accepted. of cos, i hope they will be returned in good condition. afterall they are the gifts from u guys =)
from the annoying guy who can't forget the past n move on.
monday blues
I was happy that to see the pretty girl in NM1101 lecture again. I was contented that I got the lunch that I wanted. I was happy once more to see the pretty girl (another) in the transport lecture. the pretty girl sitting down at the counter of IT care who was wearing a low cut, lighted up my day. lastly, i was glad that the librarians were friendly and helpful in assisting me with my search for the books.
every thing has its two sides.. just like my monday blues...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
RAG RAFFLE and how unprofessional JCRC member can be
to my marketing team, u guys have done very well. good job. to val, you had tried very hard and gave ur very best to the team.
anyway, val had a busy week fighting with DnD comm for some prizes that ought to be ours. the issue was unable to settle before the draw date and we missed out on a big prize which could reward the Shearites for supporting us.
I have been pushing Val to sort out that issue cos i really want to repay the support that the ppl had given us by offering them a big prize. so as we tried hard to get things, some key figures just don't play their roles. I am pissed totally about what had happened.
Since there was a conflict for the prizes, they turned to someone who is charge of the comms. he is one of the JCRC guys. so val went down to his room to discuss about the issue on the eve of the draw date, still hoping to get the best for the ppl who support rag.
well, guess what he was doing when Val turned up for that meeting?
he was DOTA-ing! yes.. throughout the whole hour that val was talking to him, he was dota-ing. he wasn't concentrating on what val was saying. she had to repeat several times and tried to drive across what she wanted to say.
the hall gave him so much points and yet he was so unprofessional when come to dealing with matters. still worse, he just can't get the whole picture. the reason why we are so desperate to sort this matter is cos we wanna get it before the lucky draw. and yet he said he shall settle on monday. duh!!!
he is really fucked up!
he was the guy who mentioned wanna make sheares hall into rag hall but yet he can't even do his little for the comm by sorting out that urgent issue. is dota more impt than rag at this moment?
he can't get his priorities right. in my opinion, he makes JCRC a laughing stock.
totally disappointed.
i wonder what JCRC shall come up with a system that punish members who fail to do their duties well.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
damn the ulcer
good TM?
- assist the volleyball captain in gathering a team for training.
- provide basic welfare such as 100 plus for ALL training.
- ensure that the TEAM MORALE is there and won't affect the game play
- make sure everyone is as happy as possible to be in the team
- ensure that no other external factors can affect the team chances of winning the gold medal
- be there for the team and the capt as much as possible
- try ur very best for the team
- fight for the rights for the team
Monday, March 16, 2009
the blooming season

and i wonder when will it stir us the most? when the flowers bloom or when the flowers fall..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
better than sudoku
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
blowing hot n cold
it was so cold last night that i caught a cold.. n it was so hot today that i can't study in my room...
wadsup with the weather...
endless love
Friday, March 6, 2009
Teen's dying wish for Cameron Diaz blow job not granted
the superstar will be crazy to do so... haha.. maybe if the teen's last wish is michael jackson giving him one instead, probably still stands a chance.
crazy americans parents..
Sunday, February 22, 2009
ghim moh food market
Monday, February 16, 2009
intrusion of privacy
the blockhead does send out a detailed contact list at the start of each semster so that people can do keep in contact with each other. however, the problem is ... the contact list is too well detailed! one of the unnecessary details i realized is the inclusion of matric card number. as every single student in NUS has a number for himself (yes.. very much like a prisoner), this number can do wonders.. 2 scenarios below depicts some of the useful functions of matric card no...
stealing matric number to check the exam results...
this doesn't occur too often but there is alwauys sombody out there who are too concerned with their fellow block mates' academic results and will resort to such methods to 'help' check results (sometimes mid term results are released in PDF format). isn't this an obvious case of intrusion of privacy ?
that fellow should really face the walls and repent.. haha...
i shall continue in the next entry...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
slumdog millionaire

i managed to catch slumdog millionaire over the weekend. the movie is yet to release in SG so u guys can probably have a good guess on how i catch that movie.
the movie is about an 18 yr old, jamal from the slums of Mumbai finds himself competing on the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," where the questions he must answer offer a look back at his earlier life. it also showcase the unseen side of India.. the slums, the racial discrimation.. the poverty side..
there is one part i can hardly forget after the movie.. when jamal was a little boy, he was forced to jump into a shit pit in order to get Amitabh Bachchan's autograph. the scene was kinda of comical. that's little boy was real cute! haha..
since it was meant to be an indian movie, the director included one extra dance scene right at the end of the movie. (there wasn't any throughout the movie) a total indian classic..
it is a great movie. u guys should really catch it. truly deserves the nomination for oscar best motion...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
doesn't matter at all
Monday, February 2, 2009
it was really a crazy night out. i was drunk. knocked out completely!
that was twice in a row. but seriously, it was fun to be knocked out knowing that ur good friends will ensure u a safe trip back to hall.. haha.. i won't mind making it 3 times in a row
anw.. like i hope it turned up to be, it was a real great night. hope we will have plenty of these crazy fun to come SOON!
Friday, January 30, 2009
gold at last
the past 1 sem of hard training and all the efforts are fruitfully rewarded last night
good job guys
Monday, January 19, 2009
what can u do with 100 million?
what is 100 millions? ( in case anyone can't appreciate figures)
- 8 zeros
- worth a handful of penthouses @ sentosa cove
- 100 tanks for sg army
- thousands of students' education fees till uni
- lifetime worth of bubble tea
- allows 50 thousands students to stay in hall for a sem ( provided hall fees stayed @ 2 k per sem)
- allows me to stay and rot like nothing before
and that wasteful man city actually waste it on a player who probably can't ensure them of a title lo... even if kaka brings them the title, the title doesn't worth a 100 million!
even in soccer sense, 100 million can easily buy at least 5 good players and they probably will help them to win some silverware in the long run.
i seriously doubt man city can do wonders with money. they can't be the second Chelsea.. no way for this season at least.
anyway, i did the calculation in sing dolllars.. the 100 million shld be in sterling..
gonna dream of 100 million tonight
Sunday, January 18, 2009
i am happy to get some playing time too. i finally scored the first goal .. and continued to assist the team by earning a penalty. it wasn't a dive k! the guy really touched me. lol... 2 chances were given to me.. one goal and one assist!
i admit i did a bad job in defencing that day. i shouldn't have gotten that stupid 2 mins.. unncessary foul trouble.
ok.. here is the report from leon on SH website..
Friday, January 16, 2009
my birthday
well.. 5 bears items were the presents + 1 discus look alike brownie cake.
the items are rather cute n creative but... i don't really like bears.. lol. i dont know why they got the impressions that i do. but still.. it is the thoughts that count. haha... can hardly forget how excited they were when explaining my presents. somehow, i think they hope that i give them back the presents. ( well the speaker is alr on loan to cher, who wants the bin? )
later in the afternoon, i decided to go out with my fren. cos that fren was late, i had to eat lunch alone =(.. a sad lonely birthday lunch. well in the end, managed to catch a random gay movie called ' milk'... the actors look so similar to the real pple. good acting by sean penn. she got me a mini birthday cake from rive after i randomly chose one. the cake was unique n nice of cos. haha.. a random afternoon ending up in enjoying good stuff.
there was JTS in hall @ night, so i got back hall. haha.. as excepted, i got ponded... not that bad. dinesh walked to me and said ' we are going to pond u now, pls don't struggle'.. one of the more friendly ponding session i have experienced.
just when i thought the whole session is over, i received a call @ 2am from val. she insisted on meeting me to pass me a very impt proposal as instructed by sean bai. so reluctantly, i took the lift back to my room and calling sean bai to verify the report. sensing something was wrong the moment the lift opened and i saw val immediately, i tried to close the door but it was jammed alr.. haha.. i got ambushed again. sean bai tried to strip me .. haha.. didn't know my rag ic wants me so much.
anw.. it was a pleasant nice.. lots of thanks to those invovled last night. thanks lots for the present as well. it is v nice n practical.. =) u guys are the best.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
birthday wish
and so..
i was thinking am i suppose to wish for something that it won't happen or something that may have a chance to happen. what's the point of wishing for something u know it will happen? but on the other hand, since u know it won't happen, then what's the point of wishing for? haha.. am i contradicting myself?
i am not those kind of people into the idea of new year resolution or birthday wishes, i forgot mine last year. however it is always to have one...
i wish to be a better man in the new year ( cum birthday wish) =)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
new sem bad start
anyway, i don't understand how i can miss out a fact that everyone is taking BSP module except for me. the only time i heard them saying it was at laska shop. i remember clearly nothing was confirmed, no one expresed keen interest except for HH. on the first day of bidding, i still bother to sms someone whom i didn't know is ( yes! it is still 'is') awkward with me to ask abt that module... and somehow i end up not knowing anything about it...
then ... a week later, some kind soul decided to tell me that everyone is taking BSP! this is some unethical way to kick me out of a common module just because some awkward pple is taking it? or somehow it is just so conincidence that i m left out? my fault? if this is some consipracy, then i don't deserve such treatment...
screw this whole thing seriously... tell me str what is happening
btw i do really wanna take BSP, but cos in order to prevent someone from thinking too much, i went ahead to take reporting stats which i have no idea what it is abt..
thanks ar... doesn't pay to be a good guy
Saturday, January 10, 2009
sheares handball
anyway, sincerely hope yong shen from KE is alright. he banged his cheekbone into the back of my head and end up receiving sitches for it during. that incident took place in less than a minute from the moment i stepped on. not a very good start.. i had to continue playing despite still feeling a little shaky ( i could ask for a sub but obviously i will prefer playing) haha.. i think this could be first bloody scene in the whole competition.
ok.. here is the report that leon wrote for us...