Tuesday, February 10, 2009

slumdog millionaire

i managed to catch slumdog millionaire over the weekend. the movie is yet to release in SG so u guys can probably have a good guess on how i catch that movie.

the movie is about an 18 yr old, jamal from the slums of Mumbai finds himself competing on the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," where the questions he must answer offer a look back at his earlier life. it also showcase the unseen side of India.. the slums, the racial discrimation.. the poverty side..

there is one part i can hardly forget after the movie.. when jamal was a little boy, he was forced to jump into a shit pit in order to get Amitabh Bachchan's autograph. the scene was kinda of comical. that's little boy was real cute! haha..

since it was meant to be an indian movie, the director included one extra dance scene right at the end of the movie. (there wasn't any throughout the movie) a total indian classic..

it is a great movie. u guys should really catch it. truly deserves the nomination for oscar best motion...

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