Thursday, January 15, 2009

birthday wish

i was speaking to my this long time friend (she insisted on banning the word 'old') on the phone on the very last hour of my 22nd year of life. somehow it is always nice to talk to her again. she mentioned about new year resolution and birthday wishes...

and so..

i was thinking am i suppose to wish for something that it won't happen or something that may have a chance to happen. what's the point of wishing for something u know it will happen? but on the other hand, since u know it won't happen, then what's the point of wishing for? haha.. am i contradicting myself?

i am not those kind of people into the idea of new year resolution or birthday wishes, i forgot mine last year. however it is always to have one...


i wish to be a better man in the new year ( cum birthday wish) =)

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