Friday, December 28, 2007
looking back at 2007 ~ sheares

the lava lamp
Saturday, December 22, 2007
- lava lamp..
- havaianas slippers
- belt.. any brands..
- mac book accessories..

Saturday, December 15, 2007
my thoughts
Monday, December 3, 2007
my first sunday after the exams
1 gd liverpool match
that probably sum up my first sunday i had at home after my exams.
too bad, my first sunday clashed with the standard chartered marathon and some of the guys went for the run. ( i still dont see myself doing that in the near future ) therefore, i missed my sunday soccer. i missed my sunday soccer badly. it has been weeks since i last played with them.
i wanted to go for a morning run instead in replacement for the lack of soccer action. but i was too tired to do so in the morning. in the first place, i missed the whole morning as i was soundly asleep till 1 pm. so i decided to run instead at night after dinner. however when the time came, i fell asleep again. the weather was too good to resist. i wonder if i run tmr morning instead. haha...
anyway, i discover is a list of things i need to do for this coming wk.
1) settle my army bill with keppel. they are v inefficient.
2) settle my training schedule. with 4 sports to handle, my schedule seems to be tighter than my studying schedule
3) do some exercise. to keep my tummy away
4) repair my com.. hopes keith will continue to offer some kind advices..
5) think of what to do for the 8th... haha..
gd luck to those still having exams..
n to all my old frens, hope we can meet up real soon.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
anyway during these 2 wks of studying in the central library and sheares reading room, i discovered the art of studying at these places.
Central Library
Closing timing ~
when the library closing timing is 10 pm, it means it closes at 930 pm. the staff will start to chase u out at 930 pm by playing loud music and start going around to tell u that the library is closed. so what is the point of telling us there is extension of time from 930 to 10 when pple have to stop studying at 930?
Power Plugs
if u ever want to get to use the power plug to charge ur laptop, be early. the power plugs here got occupied pretty fast. another suggestion is to bring a multi plug so that u can share the plug with others. one amusing thing that i have taken note is that sometimes when the user isn't around, the charger is still connected to the plugs but not to the laptops as the laptops are taken away. haha.. when i come across such situation, i will just take out the charger and plug in mine. i think these people are rather inconsiderate.. but what to do.. ? the power plugs are as scarce as Singapore land.
Sheares Library
Isn't it amazing that if u ever see the same person occupying the same seat for the whole week ? it is not that he has been there forever. it is just that he reserved the seat forever. by studying at sheares reading rm, i learn the art of reserving seats. just spread ur papers across the table and put a bottle there. if possible scatter a few pens across the table and the seat is urs until u clear up ur own mess. i m not someone who approves reserving seats but when everybody does the same thing, it sometimes just forces u to do so too. if u cant beat them, join them...
why can't everybody be fair and square when comes to such things? first come, first serve.. no reservation, this isn't a restaurant.
no wonder Singapore remains so kiasu after so many years.. this local culture definitely can withstand all kind of globalization factors and remain in the blood of almost every Singaporeans.
anyway, one thing to be noted is that the users do keep quiet which helps to provide a conducive environment for everyone.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
night cycling
my 8th time cycling..
2nd time riding a tandem ( with me in front)
2nd time on the road..
and i had 5 accidents only..~!! that's a improvement considering the number of accidents i had the previous time. n it is 5 minor accidents.
the route was quite challenging. there were quite a few steep slopes and cycling against the traffic several times. i enjoyed the last part the most. it was cycling back to the finishing point in the ecp. everyone was speeding up. unfortunately, my gears were spolit and there was a limit to how fast my bike could travel. anyway i enjoyed the breeze blowing against ur face as bike picked up the speed. cool...
anyway... wanna thanks isa and cher.. n andy for trusting me with their lives when they allow me to take the front seat. well.. i know i didnt let u guys down when u all return back to hall in one piece. anyway, it was fun and challenging...
hope sheares can have more of these fun activities...
Friday, October 12, 2007
feeling down
personality right now: quiet
the mid-term exams were already over for me on wed. i should feel happy and relaxed right now. but obviously i m not~!!! i m feeling unmotivated and seemed a little trouble. trouble over what ? i m not sure as well. hmm.. maybe over school work..
i think i need to clear my mind. hope my this coming wkend will be good and sunday soccer can resume this week. i haven been out for quite some time..
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
it is the way that u knock urself that hurts the most...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
i know i will be tired.. but i know what i can look forward to, and that actually spurs me on.
i finally know what i want.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
sunday soccer
Friday, September 7, 2007
things just get better
Sunday, September 2, 2007
a primary school friend's birthday
in the car
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
a new drink
Thursday, August 16, 2007
driving test
Sunday, August 12, 2007
arts o wk ( part 2 )
o wk resumed after the wkend knowing that monday was gonna to be an impt day that could determine the outcome for the rest of the wk.
day 4 -6
we kicked off monday with FIC. hearing that this FIC is once in a lifetime and is for freshies only, i did want to join in badly. however, my driving lesson had to remain as my main piority for the afternoon and i had to give it a miss. i managed to get back in time for the night adventure.i was glad that i managed to attempt 2 stations. both were gd esp the toliet one. good job ghosts..after night adventure, we played some night games such as H2O and Squirrel-Hunter-Tree game among ourselves for the rest of the night. i was just glad that the freshies enjoyed the games.. at least that kept them occupied for a couple of hrs.
during supper that, we gave xiao hui a birthday surprise at fong seng. i m sure we were the first to celebrate her bdae with her this yr. anyway, some weird uncles tried to spoil the birthday celebrations by passing some sarcastic remarks.. i think the uncles were just jealous that no one celebrated for them.

sentosa was the only main highlight for wednesday. the teh ong freshies turned up in forces. we warmed ourselves up by having inter og games right from the start. these games brought us closer and helped to ignite the passion with us. with the enthusiasm from everyone, we were then able to raise the tempo to the nx level. we played our hearts out for each game. although i had been to better sentosa beach games day, this one was not that bad either. most importantly, everyone enjoyed this day. this was n't the end yet. the dinner at vivo and the games we played out on the balcony brought us closer than ever. a night hard to forget. teh peng was the last group to leave vivo in the end. things simply just got better as each day passed by =)after the national day break, we came back stronger and closer... determined to finsh up the job on a high note.
day 7-8
friday was war games and bbq night. once again, i was away in the morning for my driving test. however i was back in time just to be stained with camo cream. thanks to ze ren n lester. seeing everyone sweating it out n having mud all over the body, i knew i had missed out a great load of fun this morning. the bbq night was fun. a few other guys and i were i/c of bbq the food for the rest. although it was a tiring and smoky job, we had a nice time doing so. some of them then came forward to offer help n gave us some drinks. i could really sense the bonding of the house.
saturday was rag.. the sun was like practically toasting us. anyway, this was my first time watching rag. i was amazed by the efforts that the faculties and halls had put in to make the whole rag such a great success. the months of hard work were all for that few minutes of glory. i managed to watch finish the arts rag before i submit in to the blazing hot sun. the arts rag was gd. =) and with that, it probably marked the end of the arts o wk..

i must say that i m proud of being part of the teh ong house. we truly deserved the title of the best house. we simply showed the rest our spirit and unity. the enthusiasm of the senior councillors, OGLs and the house I/C through out the enitre wk moved my heart.. u guys rock..
teh peng rocks too. given a choice to choose again, i will still choose to be in teh peng. no doubts abt it. i really wanna thanks doris for giving me this chance to her AOGL. i knew i didn't do a gd job at times but at least i hope i didnt let down u completely. i m also glad to know the other OG quite well. hope everyone can keep in contact... =)

Sunday, August 5, 2007
arts o wk ( part 1 )
day 1 - 3
o wk finally kicked off. as expected, the freshies aint that punctual. they came in at various timing. haha.. but at least they turned up on the 1st day. the guy girl ratio was 1 : 3 which was the same as my arts camp OG. in the end, the freshies were fine. the girls were slightly more enthu than the guys. perhaps the guys were shy. =) considering that it was their first day, i thought the performance was not that bad. the guys gel so well with one another that they didnt really speak to the girls. from my point of view, it wasn't that gd. the freshies were looking forward to the CORS bidding more than the games. they were quite concerned abt the CORS bidding. after all, it was everyone first time doing so. i had to answer more questions about CORS bidding than others more. i thought i really acted well as a senior. some of them really thought i m a yr 2 student. anyway, i felt that the arrangment by the o comm for the CORS bidding was well organsied and everyone had more than enough time to bid.
for the games on day 1, beside the usual ice breaking games, the only other day game was campus tour. it turned out to be alright. they did enjoy it and i felt like playing some of the games so badly. haha .. i still could nt get used to the fact that i had to stand aside to do the cheering only. the night game was real bad. i seriously dont know what was happening. i doubt my freshies enjoyed the game. in the end the day ended late. my freshies were tired n some were unmotivated to come for the 2nd day..i thought it was quite a bad way to end day 1.
for the next couple of days, the freshies turn up rate was bad.. it was single digit. although this was a litte expected, being mentally prepared beforehand still didn't make us feel comfortable abt this piece of truth. it worried me at least. i was thinking perhaps i had nt done a gd job on day 1 to convince the freshies esp the guys to come for the nx couple of days. i shall not cry over the split milk that much. for now, i just hoped that on monday, the turn up rate would come back to normal and i will definetely try my best to interact with all the freshies.
my best meroable moment for the past 3 days was probably on day 2 during the sports day event. the papaya was splashed all over me n i had the stinky papaya smell the whole day.. yucks!
our teh peng cheer
you are my teh-peng
my only teh-peng
you make me happy when im thirsty
you never noe dear how much i need you
pls dun take my teh-peng away

Saturday, July 28, 2007
t-house chalet

having a good time
Friday, July 27, 2007
the uniform party~!!!
i reached plaza singapura at around 730 . i was late and all of them were already dressed up in their uniforms. everyone looked great. annabelle really looked like some 15 years old girl in her uniform. the most modest student got to be the bespectacled calvin in his sec sch uniform. eligah really looked like he was from RJC. cindi once again tried to act demure in her TP uniform. eugene and wei de had the ITE students images as they were without their SA ties. bao ting and jill looked cool in thier SA uniform. nicholas was a punk in his oversized but cool CJ uniform. yong shen and qing yun looked guai. somehow huixiang didn't look like he was from NJ despite donning the ugly grey outfit. haha.. no offence k.. anyway it was really like a first 3 months class gathering. absolutely cool~!!

no one smiled expect for the saints ... haha..

dinner at foodcourt
next up was at the mind's cafe at selagie road. perviously i had great fun with another group at mind's cafe so i was expecting it to do the same trick with this group. we split into 2 groups so that it was easier to play the games. we tried out games like the dinosaurs bone and ugly ugly ugly. the night seemed to pass faster than usual. we had a fun time. the constant screaming of the girls throughout the games just verified that.. haha.. girls..
great fun at the mind's cafe
we knew the night would not be completed if we didn't play any of our own lame games. we played polar bear at one of the SMU faculties. jill was the worst polar bear and the best fake hunter for the night. i dont think anyone will disagree with that. haha.. she really deserved the forfeits. it was also here at SMU, we started photowhoring. everyone just wanna captured this golden moment down. just as i thought that the night would just ended just like this, jill came out with a brilliant idea. she suggested that we could stay out the whole night n then catch the early train back home. some of us had to part ways while the rest followed her idea.
having fun at marina square~!
the saints
me with belle, joce n qing yun
eugene doing a forfeit
we spent a couple of hours making our way to the merlion site and finding the 7-11 store. as usual, we played our favourite game, R-O-C-K rock and shared some of our thoughts and secrets. haha.. i admitted that i fell asleep for a while cos i was really too tired. i didnt even sleep the day before. six came sooner than what we had expected. in the wee hours of the morning, we couldn't find any Killney or BK. so we have to settle down for a simple meal at some 24 hrs kopitiam. after having breakfast together, we then headed back home. despite being tired, everyone still had their smiles on their faces..
the remaining people. picture taken at CA, where our story all begins..
anyway, wanna thanks elijah for coming up with such a great idea and those make this outing come true. now, i m looking forward to the next gathering. a sweat it out, badminton session at SRC.. can't wait for friday to come...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
ah lian outing~!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
arts o week pre camp

the remaining survivors after day 1 !
when the lollipops unite!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
the very first entry in my blog!!
i finally got my own blog! yea man..
sometimes i sit back n start to wonder what all these blogging are about. with plenty of time to spare on a saturday, i decided to try out this new thing in my life... i guess i have plenty to learn along the way =)
anyway, i just spent a damn slacking saturday at home. i decided that i should stay at at home and give my body a break. i had been out the whole week and i guessed my parents miss my presence. =)
i had a late night out yesterday. i went out for a little shopping trip and then met my sports OG for a great drinking session at cafe iguana. we drank , chat and played some truth or truth kind of game. i got to say that this kind of game does help the group to know each other better. a pity was that not too many people turned out last night. i can hardly wait for the next gathering...
~ guess who is the eye candy ...
for now, i would like to share this drink that i love it so much last night. it is the mars drink. haha.. i had forgotten the actual name. it would be nice if anyone can tell me the name. anyway, it is a shot which has melted mars choco mixed with some alcohol. it is kinda strong and thick. i like having the sweetness of the choco lingering in my mouth n the burning sensation in my throat at the same time. great drink and it smells nice too. i will try it again if i have the chance. choco really goes well alcohol at times.
tml having the arts OG bbq gathering. hope it will be as fun as my sports one. hope everyone will have a lovely sunday ~