day 1 - 3
o wk finally kicked off. as expected, the freshies aint that punctual. they came in at various timing. haha.. but at least they turned up on the 1st day. the guy girl ratio was 1 : 3 which was the same as my arts camp OG. in the end, the freshies were fine. the girls were slightly more enthu than the guys. perhaps the guys were shy. =) considering that it was their first day, i thought the performance was not that bad. the guys gel so well with one another that they didnt really speak to the girls. from my point of view, it wasn't that gd. the freshies were looking forward to the CORS bidding more than the games. they were quite concerned abt the CORS bidding. after all, it was everyone first time doing so. i had to answer more questions about CORS bidding than others more. i thought i really acted well as a senior. some of them really thought i m a yr 2 student. anyway, i felt that the arrangment by the o comm for the CORS bidding was well organsied and everyone had more than enough time to bid.
for the games on day 1, beside the usual ice breaking games, the only other day game was campus tour. it turned out to be alright. they did enjoy it and i felt like playing some of the games so badly. haha .. i still could nt get used to the fact that i had to stand aside to do the cheering only. the night game was real bad. i seriously dont know what was happening. i doubt my freshies enjoyed the game. in the end the day ended late. my freshies were tired n some were unmotivated to come for the 2nd day..i thought it was quite a bad way to end day 1.
for the next couple of days, the freshies turn up rate was bad.. it was single digit. although this was a litte expected, being mentally prepared beforehand still didn't make us feel comfortable abt this piece of truth. it worried me at least. i was thinking perhaps i had nt done a gd job on day 1 to convince the freshies esp the guys to come for the nx couple of days. i shall not cry over the split milk that much. for now, i just hoped that on monday, the turn up rate would come back to normal and i will definetely try my best to interact with all the freshies.
my best meroable moment for the past 3 days was probably on day 2 during the sports day event. the papaya was splashed all over me n i had the stinky papaya smell the whole day.. yucks!
our teh peng cheer
you are my teh-peng
my only teh-peng
you make me happy when im thirsty
you never noe dear how much i need you
pls dun take my teh-peng away

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