by the time i got there, everyone was in the mid of their games and they were already v high. i realised i was the first freshie from my OG to arrive. haha.. so i was early after all. i managed to link up with the senior concillors at the bbq pit. the food seemed so much nicer that those at lester's house. later in the night, bobby, our house i/c then offically announced our house name and each OG name. well, thanks to doris, our OG name is teh peng. cool right ? haha...one of my favourite drinks. this time round, all the OGs name make more sense and are more related to the house name.

having a good time
after the 'meeting', everyone then started to mix around. as my OG councillors were only a handful, we merged with teh o to play some games. it was nice to hang out with them again as i had earlier known them through pre-camp. games.. forfeits.. talking cocking.. snacking.. that's all we lasted through the whole night. we then had breakfast at mac before we parted ways. hope to have more chances to hang out with the teh o friends. haha.. hopefully nx time when i see u guys, i wont say.. novena, bishan or douby ghaut. anyway cant wait for o wk to happen.. may it be a success..
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