i reached plaza singapura at around 730 . i was late and all of them were already dressed up in their uniforms. everyone looked great. annabelle really looked like some 15 years old girl in her uniform. the most modest student got to be the bespectacled calvin in his sec sch uniform. eligah really looked like he was from RJC. cindi once again tried to act demure in her TP uniform. eugene and wei de had the ITE students images as they were without their SA ties. bao ting and jill looked cool in thier SA uniform. nicholas was a punk in his oversized but cool CJ uniform. yong shen and qing yun looked guai. somehow huixiang didn't look like he was from NJ despite donning the ugly grey outfit. haha.. no offence k.. anyway it was really like a first 3 months class gathering. absolutely cool~!!

no one smiled expect for the saints ... haha..

dinner at foodcourt
next up was at the mind's cafe at selagie road. perviously i had great fun with another group at mind's cafe so i was expecting it to do the same trick with this group. we split into 2 groups so that it was easier to play the games. we tried out games like the dinosaurs bone and ugly ugly ugly. the night seemed to pass faster than usual. we had a fun time. the constant screaming of the girls throughout the games just verified that.. haha.. girls..
great fun at the mind's cafe
we knew the night would not be completed if we didn't play any of our own lame games. we played polar bear at one of the SMU faculties. jill was the worst polar bear and the best fake hunter for the night. i dont think anyone will disagree with that. haha.. she really deserved the forfeits. it was also here at SMU, we started photowhoring. everyone just wanna captured this golden moment down. just as i thought that the night would just ended just like this, jill came out with a brilliant idea. she suggested that we could stay out the whole night n then catch the early train back home. some of us had to part ways while the rest followed her idea.
having fun at marina square~!
the saints
me with belle, joce n qing yun
eugene doing a forfeit
we spent a couple of hours making our way to the merlion site and finding the 7-11 store. as usual, we played our favourite game, R-O-C-K rock and shared some of our thoughts and secrets. haha.. i admitted that i fell asleep for a while cos i was really too tired. i didnt even sleep the day before. six came sooner than what we had expected. in the wee hours of the morning, we couldn't find any Killney or BK. so we have to settle down for a simple meal at some 24 hrs kopitiam. after having breakfast together, we then headed back home. despite being tired, everyone still had their smiles on their faces..
the remaining people. picture taken at CA, where our story all begins..
on the way back, i had some thoughts in my back of my mind. i was hoping that we can stay on as a group throughout the whole university life and continue to have more memorable experiences together. this is a wonderful group. i know it is gonna be hard as we will continue to make new friends especially in the coming weeks and will get busier with our own lives. i just hope that we can remember each other and continue to meet up frequently. i pray that this is just the beginning of something great and not the ending of some camps memory. hope ah lian will continue to rox.. ~! =)
anyway, wanna thanks elijah for coming up with such a great idea and those make this outing come true. now, i m looking forward to the next gathering. a sweat it out, badminton session at SRC.. can't wait for friday to come...
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