Sunday, November 9, 2008

the sleep b4 the storm

i can't believe how long i have slept. i slept till 1030 am in hall and then i drove home. i started sleeping at 1230 till 4 pm. woke up for late lunch and watch tv. continue to sleep after dinner from 9 till 12 midnight. so a total of 12 hrs~!!!

my goosh.. i am turning into a pig. but seriously, i m feeling much more energetic right now that any of the past few days.

i am thinking about my final terms. seriously, it seems like an uphill battle. my mid terms are pretty average except for one screwed up stats module which did real badly. and because of that particular module, i have to get an A somewhere to pull it to average of 4.0 or else it won't have any effects on the overall score. and this sem could turn up to be as bad as previous...

u see how screw this whole system of scoring is.. one damn module can do the sufficient damage that will condemn ur result.

i better hit the books b4 i got hit by the books.

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