Monday, March 3, 2008

Mas Selamat stole the limelight from Edison

A 1.58m tall Malay who can't walk properly stole the limelight from Edison Chan this week~!! it is none other than Mas Selamat. For the whole of this week, he has been dominating the headline of every single local paper and channel. Probably Mas Selamat attracted more attention than Edison did earlier on. The world is probably still on high alert.

Before the details of his escape came out, I was thinking how did he escape ? Is it like what Huiying said, climb out of the toilet window ? Another guy said perhaps he had been sharpening his utensils daily and they become sharp enough to dig a tunnel out. haha... I stick with my view that there was undercover for the JI in the police force something like the Infernal Affairs. haha... 

Anyway I discover both of Edison and Mas actually have quite a few similarities in terms of their news coverage.
  1. Shook the nation : When the news appeared on the TV and the papers, the whole nation couldn't really believe it. Did this really happen ?
  2. Police were activated : In Hong Kong, when edison appeared, police forces come out in numbers to protect Edison from harm while in Singapore, the police and army forces are searching high and low for this dude.
  3. Set the people questioning the authorities : In Hong Kong, the people were questioning the police for abusing their power and wasting the taxpayer's money. In SG, the people were left wondering whether our defence forces are still capable and wondering what they are doing at the point of time.
  4. Flee : When the news hit the headlines, Edison flee back to Canada to escape from the media while Mas Selemat is still fleeing and hiding some corners of the island...
  5. Good coverage : Biography of both were on the papers. Close friends of both gave comments to the media. Basically, they become like our family members whom we know every bit of their history.
  6. Both were bad boys : Edison is well known for his bad boy image while Mas Selamat is the head of the terrorist group which make him a real bad boy.
Enough of the jokes, here come the serious stuff. 
Indeed, the escape of Mas is a shock for me as well. I am really wondering whether the detention centre has the security facilities that could prevent one from entering and leaving easily. I have not seen it with my eyes yet. But with the escape, I doubt they can be anywhere near good. I am like any other Singaporeans hoping that he can be captured soon. However, deep down inside, I have this feeling that he won't be caught and probably he is already out of the country. 

The destruction that he could do Singapore or the world is beyond imagination. Thus, I hope for now, every morning when I wake up, I can get to hear that he was captured and locked up in some secured detention centre.

For now, I pray for world peace

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