it was reservist time for me last week. one of the longest week for me so far. when it comes to army time, not matter how slack or short the training is, i would never find it bearable at all. no internet, no facebook, no computer games and no msn. how can i actually survive a week without these things? it sound like going through some survivor series. it would be three times the shit next time. good luck to me.
anyway, there was this particular joke that happened in camp last week. we were walking the medical centre and we saw this sign that read ' enterance'. all of us burst out laughing. the english that army use at times is real bad. we ain't asking for outstanding english but at least get the basics right. we walked past the centre daily and that sign for there all the time. i wonder whether any officers point out to the medical team about their bad english.
adding onto to the joke, the apperance of the medical centre look rather rundown. it gave me the feeling of those deserted places that we see in the zombies movies. come on guys, we are 3rd gen army! hahaha..